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Product Senior Tuber Creators Group

Welcome to the Senior Tubers Creator Group

This is a private group for new and seasoned creators who want access to live facilitated calls with other creators. 

These calls consist of:

  • Personalized support, resources, tips, and the opportunity to sit in the Creators Seat for group feedback. 
  • You will also have access to in-depth training, digital products as well as contests

Belonging to this group includes:

  • Weekly Zoom call with available breakout rooms for private meetings with other creators (for brainstorming and/or concentrated work efforts) 
  • Showcasing your channel on The Senior Tuber Channels featured Senior Tuber page which will be promoted regularly
  • Opportunities to be profiled or interviewed on our Senior Tuber Incentive Podcast for additional channel promotion
  • Access to the Senior Tuber Creator Private Facebook Group


Pay Monthly $10

Pay Annually / Get 2 months Free

Payment structure 100.00 USD every year until cancelled starting 07-27-2025

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1st payment of 100.00 USD